Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Continued research

So I am once again siting through my computer looking for old video files. I have found a lot of material, but most of it cannot be played by any media player I have access too. I will uppload whatever I can salvage, but the footage that I can view often freezes at one point and just stops playing.

I really don't know what could be causing this. It could be a massive software error, but in all media players? Or are all the files corrupted, but in that case,how? I don't know of anything that could cause these errors. I really have no clue.

Also, I got a strange feeling regarding the jacket. I can identify my own silhouette in the video I think, and I recognise the rest of the clothes and the location, but I cannot remeber having said jacket.

However, recently, I have been trying to communicate with my old friends, the few I ever had. Apparently I really have a massive chunk of missing time, mostly from 2012, but also from 2011 and back. Somehow I have a really bad feeling about this. I completely forgot about this one time a friend of mine drove us out to this old ruin he found next to the highway. We apparently went there in the middle of winter, sometime around Christmas last year, a few days before or after. Or was it around the solstice? He didn't remember everything either. I did not find any footage, so I will try to go to said ruin before I have to go back to university. I study in another city, so I won't have access to this area. I will ask my friend Michael to drive me to the location.

Alright, right now I have the following tasks:

1: Find out why my footage is so strange and why I do not have any memories.(missing time is not good if coupled with weird footeage, if you know what I mean)

2: Figure out where my old black leather bag is and hopefully locate the notebook I had in it.


3:Figure out why there is a brown leather jacket in some of the clips.

Stay tuned for more.

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