Saturday, October 5, 2013


Alright. I have been doing some thinking. I removed some pills from the bottle and replaced them with other things. I was planning to catch either one of the possible people involved in this, perhaps overpower them and question them. However, it failed. I sent out a tweet as a bait and waited in my room. However I only remember a lot of pain and bright lights as well as the feeling of falling. I woke up the next day with a very nasty headache and my room was completely trashed. The camera is missing and so are the spare pills.

I have no idea what to do now. I feel powerless. I am, essentially, fucked.

There has been some theory discussion recently regarding the "time travel". At first I thought that this was insanity, but considering that I have seen so many strange things, I believe there to meet some merit to it. So we have two time travelers and a missing person, mystery pills and what could be described as MiB. I have no idea ho to proceed now.

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