Thursday, December 26, 2013

He sees me when i'msleeping.

He is still stalking me. I might have created him, given him his life, but I cannot control him. I have been thinking about getting some more help, I know I was warned against getting people involved, but I have one last idea. I am going to try to go back and un-summon the thing. I am going to keep working.

Also, regarding the whole time thing. i think it is a bit of mercy, really, if I do the ritual correctly, I can send this abomination back to the realms of the mind, and I might be able to deal with it.

I will probably forget that all this happened,and I might just not be able to see whats on this blog and my channel, since it is from a different timeline. If this works the way I hope it does then everything should be fine. If not, then I am going to need every bit of help I can get. Because I think Hermit might be dead. I recieved a pckage in the mail. It contained three or four items, a gun with some ammunition, no serieal number, a small cube with something inside, a few torn and dirty pages with additional information on how to summon and defeat memetic weaponry, as well as some of the history behind them, and alos, why there is a serious chance of me killing a lot of people with this. And a bloody scarf, the same one from a certain video. I have an abysmal feeling about this.

The ritual essentially say something about beings that exist as thoughts, and that cannot manifest in this universe yet and need to create memes to eventually inhabit bastardized tulpas or similar creations, or through some odd ritual take control of a person directly. Apparently this would empower said being. I don't know whats worse, having to deal with a powerful ancinet god or deity that I might accidentally unleash upon a world rife with memes that can be weaponized, such as the seedeater, slenderman and the rake and zombies and all kinds of nasty things invented on the internet. I really don't want to think about that or. Or having to deal with waking up with blue hair and red eyes. Yup, shapeshifting. F*ck.

Why can't I ever just have one major problem to deal with.

Argh, stay tuned, and if the ritual fails, I will tweet some information ASAP

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hey, it's that guy you ever been terrified. Hearts pounding you can't think clearly terrified?

Thats me right now.

Weird sleep patterns and a lot of missing time. I should maybe get a dreamcatcher. I have so much stuff to deal with and so much work to catch up with, I don't really have time to deal with all this supernatural bullshit right now. Yet, I summoned HIM or IT, I don't even know anymore.

Stay tuned for (hopefully) more

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Public service announcement, without guitars

Alright, first of I am going to apologise for my rather long absence and lack of updates. However, I ahve finally come across a large quantity of information regarding my own situation and have had a few days to patch myself up and rest from the lat couple of weeks mayhem.

First of, Michaels parents have dissappeared, their car was found near the black forest in Germany three days ago, but there was no sign of them. I have the distinct feeling I will not see them again.

Second, I have managed to crack the last three puzzles or riddles myself, as they had questions of a more personal nature. However, I didn't tell anyone about thie because of some trouble I had actually getting online.

Thrid, I know what I did. When I was shot by this "Inquisitor" guy, I did the ritual I found in my notebook, in order to summon a "memetic" weapon. For some reason it felt so familiar. However, I was not able to control it, and for 108 hours I was apparently gone, missing. I only remember framents of this, like running through a very dark and cold forest, waking up in a hotel somewhere, waking up in a car(I don't have a car or a driving license) and waking up with bruises, cuts and, most scarily, a gun.

The weapon was apparently based on several myths, the usual cautionary tales you would tell a child and some monsters. It actually had some resemblance to a draugr, but it seems to practically run on fear and subconscious ideas, which can actually kill people. Normally this would make normal people kill themselves, the knowledge that you have summoned an eldritch abomination into the world, but I am not even going to try, considering the act that I sort of regenerate quite fast. It is like I don't want to die. I have a feeling the cult that was wiped out had some more info, but I just don't believe a human can create such a supernatural threat and also create, as far as I know, humans like Michael and myself, who seem to have "abilities" of sorts. Any helpful input would be greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The document

Here is the document I got in my email.

This document contains an intercepted report made by field agent 134, who was at the time stationed in Europe. The file was badly corrupted, so we have compiled what little information was decipherable in this document. There were additional files attached, however, we have not been able to transmit these via the internet, as they are corrupted every time, thus we are opting for a sneakernet type transfer. The document deals with two things, one is a report on suspected “occulus dei” activity as well as recovered documents regarding the memetic weapon that was apparently created by the aforementioned cult. The organization seem to have an interest in using the entity known as the blind hunter or the tree man to hunt and remove people they believe to threats to their, still unknown, agenda.

Report by field agent: 134
Subject: Memetic weapons, Occulus dei
We have obtained several old books regarding the summoning of an entity that has been described as the blind hunter by the cultists. They appear to have gathered information on how to summon a legendary being also known as the tree man or the beast that steals the people designated by the summoner. The being seems to be [unreadable] and has been documented to appear [unreadable] and thus seems to act autonomously in this time.
This being seems to have an unnerving similarity with an urban legend known as [unreadable] which might mean that it has begun to take on other memetic properties. This includes inducing a strange illness and memory loss, similar to our nullification technology. It also seems to have a mythological connection to the entity the occulus dei revere as a god. Information is scarce, and further interrogation of subject 234-B with advanced interrogation will hopefully render more useful information.
Also, regarding subjects M------/x, G------/x, and the person known as Inquisitor, we still need to take temporal shifts into account. Also the risk of [Unreadable]
For your consideration
Field agent 134

Monday, November 4, 2013

I understand now

I should not have done that.

Remember the video. That told me to come back home. I did that. I went to the place in the video, and guess what, my bag was lying in the middle of the road. I then went to the dam. Guess who was there.

I should not even be alive, but bear with me.

When I got there the masked person, Inquisitor, was there. He was somehow able to talk without speaking, if you know what I mean. He said a lot of things. Things that someone who claims to want to help me did not tell me. He then did something that I will not forget. He shot me, three times. I came to about two hours later, soaking wet from the rain, but fine. Healed. I had to throw away the t-shirt, bloodstains are hard to explain. However, he took the camera with him, however, he forgot to check my pockets, because my journal was in there. I know remember more. Some of my research. Also, I have some revenge planned. I think this should work.

At least, I thought thats what I should do. I did one of the rituals from the book, something about a silent hunter that stalks its victims. Guess what, I don't remember the ritual. But I do know something, I don't usually have nosebleeds after coughing.

Thursday, October 31, 2013



Monday, October 21, 2013

Hit the road

I am going to move around for a bit. I thought about this for some time, however, this might be the only thing I can do. I don't eel safe anymore, and I need to start moving, the men in suits are everywhere, I ignored them for a while, however, now they are back, also, I think I moght have some time to figure out what to do about the masked man.

Another thing, I got an email with the first challenge. It works something like this, there is some code in the message, and there are some words in it, the words act as a form of question asking for a specific word.

Anyway, here is the code:

So stay tuned.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Alright. I have been doing some thinking. I removed some pills from the bottle and replaced them with other things. I was planning to catch either one of the possible people involved in this, perhaps overpower them and question them. However, it failed. I sent out a tweet as a bait and waited in my room. However I only remember a lot of pain and bright lights as well as the feeling of falling. I woke up the next day with a very nasty headache and my room was completely trashed. The camera is missing and so are the spare pills.

I have no idea what to do now. I feel powerless. I am, essentially, fucked.

There has been some theory discussion recently regarding the "time travel". At first I thought that this was insanity, but considering that I have seen so many strange things, I believe there to meet some merit to it. So we have two time travelers and a missing person, mystery pills and what could be described as MiB. I have no idea ho to proceed now.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I don't even know where to start.

Someone got him. I don't know who or why, but someone got Michael. I was going to visit my parents and hang out with him, and do some more investigation and get some more information out of him. I was too late, when I got there, there was police tape around his room and at the anchoring place at his house, they have direct access to a river. His parents told me that they got home from a short trip on saturday, and found their house completely trashed, the place was torn up as if a battle had taken place. There were bullet holes and scorchmarks all over the house, and the small bridge was covered in blood. They called the cops and the current theory is a drug based suicide.

Drug based suicide my ass!

This has something to do with all the weird shit that has been going on the last couple of weeks. I have no idea what to do now. I do not believe he is dead, hurt yes, kidnapped, you bet, but dead? That guy is a lot tougher than most people think.

However, while I was talking to his parents, we noticed someone snaeking around in their garden, some weirdo in a mask. All of us in something of a shock and me being sad and pissed of, decided to chase the person. We chased him into the forest for quite a while, eventually, I was alone. I then saw the most terryfying thing in the world. The masked man was standing in a clearing and was arguing with a dozen or so men in black suits. All of the were wearing  sunglasses and carrying various weapons, ranging from hnadguns to large knives. The masked person then killed them. He was so fast, they were more or less ripped apart, I ducked down to take cover from bullets that were whistling through the air, and when I looked up, it was over. The men were dead and there was blood everywhere. Some of them had been implaed on tree trunks that the last storm had knocked over. At this point Michaels father arrived and saw the carnage, we walked out into the clearing, me trying to tell him what happened. All the bodies had been cut and that symbol had been carved everywhere, on trees, on dead bodies on rocks. Then the bodies started to dissolve. It was like a black flame that just turned them into dust. Both of us then heard this laughter. It was a mixture between demonic and not from this universe. The masked person was just standing there, staring through us.

Needless to say, we both ran the distance that previously probably took us more than 30 minutes in about five seconds. His parents have already left the city, but they promised to keep me in the loop.

This was not the last thing I saw. While we were running like crazed dogs away from the masked man, I could have sworn I saw someone run in the opposite direction, and said someone was wearing a certain jacket.

If anyone is wondering, I am currently hiding under my blanket with a club and a nice strong drink.

Stay tuned if you want to...

Monday, September 23, 2013

The bag

During the meet-up, Michael and I had a change of plans. Originally we had planned to investigate the house from "introduction". However, due to terrible weather, we decided to do something different. In the video, it might not seem like it, but it almost started to rain that day, and the abandoned shack is a slight bit outside of town and we decided to check the other place instead. The place we decided to check was next to the bridge. A few years ago there used to be a proper path down there, but when the new bridge was built the removed it. It is just another hiding spot for teens who want to sneak a few beers past their parents, but it was also a very cool place usually.

When we finally reached the fireplace, we noticed the path behind it, and I don't think you can see it in the video, but there is a raft to cross the river in place. We didn't want to keep going because the weather was getting worse, but the I saw my bag, the black leather bag just lying there in the bushes. So I had a look at the contents, here are some pictures, there was a notebook inside, with only a few pages of text I could decipher, mentioning something about an organization called "occulus dei" which I think means eye of god. Most of the notebook is indecipherable, but it is my handwriting. However, the notebook is not my old journal, it is just an ordinary notebook, I am still looking for my journal.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sound issues

So the meet-up went fine. However, the audio in the video is screwed. All of it, not just the short conversation we had, but also the one where we find-ta-dah, my old bag.

We went to this one place we found a few years back. It was a small path into a forest along a stream. We wanted to use it at some point, because there was a fireplace and it is fairly secluded.

Anyway, I did get some information out of him.

The group contacts people through emails, asking about a "challenge", and whether or not they want to participate. They also seem to change names every now and then, usually reverting to an "anonymous" type o group, but with recent events in mind, decided to change the groups name to "knights of global consciousness". They seem to be interested in a wide variety of things, as displayed by their strange challenges. Usually the participant gets an email with a code. The code in turn contains some form of riddle, and is updated every few days. Initially it is simple stuff, like morse code and the name of some historical person, but it gets more and more complicated after that. Michael was very reluctant when I asked him about the activities and history of these "knights". They seem to be involved in an attempt to unveil a global conspiracy of some sort in what they call "operation apocalypse". Apocalypse means revealing if my memory is correct, like in the book of revelations or something. The group they are after seem to be all powerful, but generally seem to hunt down secret societies. To me, it sounds pretty stupid. However, he did tell me that they also were conducting research on neuroscience and were experimenting with telepathy and have been tracking down scientists involved in all kinds of strange projects.

To me, this sounds about as stupid as the UFO crash at Roswell and all the theories involving it. But yet, I am intrigued, this group is interesting, so, should I answer the email I got a while ago?

Also, what do you guys think?

Stay tuned for more :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Congratulations, it's a bad dream

Bad dreams are made of these...cheeseburgers.

I really have issues with bad dreams. And for a few nights now the same thing has happened, I dream something weird, like me hovering in my own room seeing myself, and then I wake up and every time, in the one place you don't want to look, in the corner of my eye, I think I see something moving. I think it is just a shadow without any particular pattern. also, it is allways around the same time, about three in the morning. Also, the cough, this dry almost forced cough came back. The first night I woke up I blamed it on a dry throat, but I have woken up like this three times now. The first time I was just confused and thought I had a case of sleep paralysis. I have read about it so it was not that scary, and so I thought I would not need to mention it to you guys. But the same thing happening three times in a row, well, call me crazy, but that is too weird to be a coincidence.

Tonight I will put a camera up. I have a feeling I might remember the dream and hallucination in greater detail, so if I just leave my camera on, I might be able to remember the whole thing better. I can record myself as a form memory note, you know like a post-it sticker.

Oh, and before I leave, I only remember the coughing from the first night.

Stay tuned for more.

If you have any ideas what might be causing this, please, do tell me.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Back to school

Life is moving along at its usual pace now. And hello, by the way. And by moving along at its usual pace I mean it is boring. Nothing weird has happened so far, but I have been going through some o the videos. Sometimes text flashes here and there, but it is difficult to read. I did get this from one thing, a vague line of text, it lashes in the video with all the code in the title. I think it says "Beware of the one who cast the shadow". Also, another thing I noticed is that this small wooden shack near this power conversion station seem to be the focus of several clips. Also there seem to be some weird things regarding the audio in Archive#6, I think there is something playing, nut you can only pick it up i you crank everything up to eleven, and then, thanks to my stupidity and headphones I almost went deaf when the one part with "regular" sound starts in that video.

Well, that was all of that, but anyway, life is pretty dull normally, I mean I am a bit freaked out and worried, but I also need to deal with regular life stuff. Also, for some reason black business suits seem to have made a comeback. Either that or a lot of companies are starting to enforce a dress code. Or maybe it's just my own paranoia due to the lack of sleep. I keep having these really weird dreams. They are not scary, just weird. It's always stuff like me flying between various places. Although, I keep hearing this humming in the background all the time. Other dreams are just me running in a forest or me walking around in a futuristic city under a dome. Hey, I said weird dreams, not bad or terrifying. It is just that I keep waking up and feel really bad every night.

Next week I will briefly visit my parents to pick up some stuff I forgot and bring back a few things I borrowed. I will definetly meet up with Michael and have a chat and look at some places.

Until then, stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quick notice

I'm writing this with my phone, so prepare for typos and such. I am currently sitting on the train on my way back to my parents. I got my speakers to work again, so I will try to continue my research. I had planned to have a video call with Michael, but if everything works out I might have a chance at hanging out with him the next few days. I did think of something though. The footage from the last video seems
To be from when the two of us went on a small trip around the area last winter. I think I am starting to remember now. Also, I called a doctor I know personally about the loss of time, and he said he
Might meet up
With me one time the next few months, but he works for a university and is quite busy. And also, I have a plan. There is a ruin along a highway near where I live, it is difficult to get there on foot, but I have a vague feeling I might have been there at some
Point, I keep seeing these broken brick walls in my dreams. I guess I suppressed the memory, but why. Also, my cold seems to be gone, but the nightmares are getting worse. I barely get any sleep.

Stay tuned :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

what the...

Somehow someone managed to acess my youtube account. Great, if the person who did it is reading this, just so you know, this password is a little harder. Also, the footage in the video was possibly some stuff that I filmed. I do not know how said person accessed the files, but my guesss is that they have access to my old journal and bag, which means that they have my bag. From the content of the video, I was not able to get any clues. However, the good news is that I will have a short conversation with my friend, Michael tomorrow, hopefully he will let me put it up on youtube.

Strangely, I am no longer sick, but my bad dreams have been continuously recurring, and I have a feeling that they are getting worse or clearer maybe. I guess if you dream the same thing over and over you remember more. I keep flying through this sea of fire. But now I see symbols, like mathematical symbols and all kinds of logos, like you stuck your head into the Internet itself I guess. I should stop eating spicy food before I go to bed I guess. Oh, and also, every now and then there is some brief static. It looks like a girl. But I cannot recognize her. Also, when, in my dream, I go lower, I sometimes see a beach, and a Gray, monochrome city, the sky then looks like a TV tuned to a dead channel or something, wispy grays mixing with the smog of whatever city it is. I am to far away to see any landmarks. I see some people walking on the beach, a man and a woman I think, but I can't make out any specific features. He does seem to have some form of scar tissue or a gigantic piercing near his ear, right behind it, and is always carrying a keyboard or one these fancy new tablets. That is usually where I wake up.

My personal guess is that I spend several hours to many reading crappy novels and that I eat the wrong food before going to bed, but for these things to recur so often, I just don't know...

Anyway, I am still working on recovering some more footage, I also got around for a quick trip to the house from the intro video. I did not dare to go inside though, I felt as if someone was watching me, the powerline was constantly humming, the wind sounded like this choir of whispers, like in a cheesy betond belief dream sequence, and I could have sworn that I saw somethong move in the bushes. That place just has this terryfying atmospehre, even if you bring a friend, you would not really know what to do.

Anyway, stay tuned for more, I could keep on going, but I got stuff to do :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I can't log on to my youtube account. I have no clue why, but everytime I click on "log in"  my computer just freezes and blue-screens. Ah, well. Tomorrow I am going back to university. I was once again unable to reach my friend, apparently he was busy with work and his cellphone does not work.However, he did say we were going to skype a little this weekend, we might be able to talk about all the stuff we did back then.

However, I do worry about him. He has not talked to me much, and seems to be obsessed with this challenge he is doing. I kind of don't want to know what it is, but at the same time, I am getting increasingly worried. I mean, if your freinds parents tell you that he draws strange symbols, has books about Jung, astrophysics and memex in his room, next to a book on how to skin animals, I kind of understand their worries.

I mean, he never acted like this before. Usually he used to be the outgoing one. Yeah sure, both of us could spend an entire day not talking to anyone, but I lived in an almost hermit like state. We became friends trough a happy accident, and have stayed in touch for a long time.

I guess I am just being paranoid. He did give me a few clues, he gave me the name of his supervisor, "case", and said that the trials he was in were almost complete and that his initiation as a terminal could soon begin. So yeah, still worried.

His parents, who picked up the phone first, did tell me that the group was called knights- something.

Oh, well, look at the time, I need to catch some sleep, I have an early train to catch tomorrow.
I will have to work out the youtube issues some other day.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Continued research

So I am once again siting through my computer looking for old video files. I have found a lot of material, but most of it cannot be played by any media player I have access too. I will uppload whatever I can salvage, but the footage that I can view often freezes at one point and just stops playing.

I really don't know what could be causing this. It could be a massive software error, but in all media players? Or are all the files corrupted, but in that case,how? I don't know of anything that could cause these errors. I really have no clue.

Also, I got a strange feeling regarding the jacket. I can identify my own silhouette in the video I think, and I recognise the rest of the clothes and the location, but I cannot remeber having said jacket.

However, recently, I have been trying to communicate with my old friends, the few I ever had. Apparently I really have a massive chunk of missing time, mostly from 2012, but also from 2011 and back. Somehow I have a really bad feeling about this. I completely forgot about this one time a friend of mine drove us out to this old ruin he found next to the highway. We apparently went there in the middle of winter, sometime around Christmas last year, a few days before or after. Or was it around the solstice? He didn't remember everything either. I did not find any footage, so I will try to go to said ruin before I have to go back to university. I study in another city, so I won't have access to this area. I will ask my friend Michael to drive me to the location.

Alright, right now I have the following tasks:

1: Find out why my footage is so strange and why I do not have any memories.(missing time is not good if coupled with weird footeage, if you know what I mean)

2: Figure out where my old black leather bag is and hopefully locate the notebook I had in it.


3:Figure out why there is a brown leather jacket in some of the clips.

Stay tuned for more.

Monday, August 19, 2013

1 step forward :)



My youtube channel is up. I recycled an old channel I made for the film project. I did not remember I had it, but I got a text from one of my friends that there were some old clips on my channel. They were right. There are two clips on it, the copies on my computer won't play, but these seem mostly fine.

So yeah, stay tuned.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Ugh, this probably is not good.

I got sick again. It started about a week ago, and it just got worse and worse. I had a really high fever and kept talking about someone following me and stuff like that. Apparently I was hallucinating for a while as well, kept going on and on about the men in black being after me or something. I feel better now, but I have not heard from my friend for a while. I guess he is busy.

However, I did ind out that he is in involved in some new, strange group. Apparently he is participating in some from of trial they set up, something about code cracking and hacking. I really hope he does not get himself arrested.

Ah, well time to go.

cough, cough, stay tuned, cough cough.

Monday, August 5, 2013


I had another nightmare.


It was bad.

But the good news are the fact that I got a video together, but now I have to put together a channel. More work.

Also I seem to be getting sick again. And my bad dreams are not helping. I am running from something, and I seem to be seeing myself from above, and gets surrounded by trees at some point.

Well, that is weird...

Stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

yeah, about that...

I really can't sleep like a normal person anymore. The last couple of days have been like a bit of a daze to me, and in general, my quest to go through a large chunk of old pictures and videos on my computer has been stuck on the same page for about a week. I am so tired. I still have the feeling of being watched and I am still a little sick, but now the fever is definitely gone, which is great news, as I am hoping to get more sleep now. Also, my close friend seems to have gotten himself involved in some slightly more serious business with those computer freaks than usual. The worst that happened a year ago was that his hard drive got flooded with random downloaded stuff from the Internet. Now, he stays indoors all day and works on, well what ever he is working on.

I found some weird footage though, howeer, it is not from last winterbut from what seems to be this summer, a ew weeks ago. This is a little wierd, because I was bedridden or a few of the days with good weather, and I have yet to go to some of these places, although I do remeber going  to some of these during the winter with some friends and filming with my phone, but not with my camera, hm, weird. I bought during october last year I think towards the end of the month. I was working on a shitty little horror project, I ended up making up this whole sad backstory and how no one thought this specific event that I made up was wierd and yaad yada yada, the stabdard horror vlog stuff. I should have made another copy of a certain petrified insect regardingseries, or asked /X/ for help. However, knowing /x/  I also know the thread would have just ended with "Op is a f*g".
Ah, the worries of a creative person. You guys know what, I anyone ever reads this, I might post the old video I made, it is crappy, but if my memory does not fail me, I think there was something about it that was ...weird... I fonly I could remeber the name of the file, my memory is like a duck during duck season, full of holes.

Anyway, stay tuned

Monday, July 29, 2013


Ok. first off, sorry about the terrible spelling and grammar in my last post. English is not my first language and I was really tired when I wrote the last post. I am still sick but seem to be getting better. My fever is down and the weird dreams seem to have stopped for now. I think I spent most of the time sleeping, I am not really sure as I can' quite remember the last three days, as my parents were away quite a bit and my brother almost all the time hung out with his friends. Nobody kept an eye on me, but hey, I am an adult after all.

I think I should record a dreamlog type video, maybe I can do some lucid dreaming after that. I could just make random videos anyway. I have recently been taking walks outside, but I get this feeling I am being watched, but it's probably just my imagination. Oh, and also my friend has been completely swallowed up by some weird hacker group on the Internet. I can't reach him at all.

So yeah, thats my life. Staay tuned :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Got down with the sickness, now I feel terrible.

Cough, cough. I got a summer cold. Typical bad luck on my part. I keep having bad dreams as well, so it's not like I get enough sleep. I have barely spoken to my friend for a while now, he apparently splurged out on a new computer, and has been glued to the internet ever since. Dude, for one thing, it is july and your my age, come one, lets have some fun. On a second thought, I had no clue he had decent internets out at his place.

So anyway, my dreams. I keep dreaming about this orest. It is quite beutful the more I think about it, but I think there is something wrong with it. I get this feeling of being watched all the time. Also everything seems to be burnt and frozen, like  after you make a campfire in the snow.

Then I keep having another dream where I am flying, and heres the cath, over a sea of fire. I mean litterally a sea of fire, I even dive down into it and go to the bottom where the blue flames get so dark that I can barely see. And whenever I ascend I feel very heavy.

So yeah, not like I get a lot o rest. But hey, still better than dreaming about holding a speech and realizing all your clothes are missing, am I right?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Can't sleep...

I have seriously not been able to sleep for the past 2 nights, maybe I shouldn't lurk around on the internet all the time looking at creepy stuff on /x/. Ah, well, we all have vices. Anyway, I think I have a few images for you to upload, some old stuff littering my computer.

Stay tuned for more.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Hello and welcome to my not so exciting life. My name is Gabriel, I am a student at x university. This is my little attempt at a diary. I don't really like to blog, last time I did I forgot I even had a blog.

Well anyway. I like to film random stuff. do some urban exploring when ever possible and really lurk quite a bit on various horror boards. Love to read creepypasta and such, but late night walks are a nope situation after that.

My friend Michael and I are planning to make a short film. Last year I even did some small side project. Pretty forgettable interactive online BS. A few years back I started to have some ideas for films, but school took so much time that I never got around to it. However recently I got the means(a couple of fiends and script ideas, as well as some old location scouting footage that has been littering my computer) and acquired a camera, so now it should be easy, a youtube channel is on the way, I will post it here soon.

Well actually, it is not that easy. I recently visited some relatives abroad, and to my surprise I found an envelope with a USB stick that apparently belonged to me. The week before I also found another one of those in my ol room, and a microSD card. There was something off about the photos on it. I don't quite remember taking all of them. But it was probably just the stress from school.

I guess we all have those periods we cannot remember. Lost time and such, I mean, usually that requires something like a good tequila to achieve, but I mean, how many people remember what they had or breakfast six years ago or what they dreamed of last night.


Well, stay tuned for more to follow :)